Sep 01, 2005 17:10
i know it has been a while since i have posted but here is what i have been working on. as most of you know my son and i were living together for the first year of his life then on weekend his mother decided she wanted to visit him for the weekend so i figured sure why not let him spend some time with his mother. then she decided to run off with him and i never heard a word from her until she decided that she wanted to collect child support from me starting from the time he was born to current ans i was like NO. so we went to court on the issue and the judge asked if i had proof that he lived with me for the time in question and i said sure do have it right here even. so after looking over the papers and the calenders that i had everything documented on the judge then ordered that the D.A. file fraudulent child support charges against his mother. and told me that i should file for custody. so i did and his mother never showed up for court and never attempted to contact the court system so i now have full custody of my son.