Once more into the breach-

Apr 25, 2015 07:22

I was hoping to be able to post pictures of Nancy's Sorbonne outfit by now... but I screwed up the skirt and have to take the waistband back off and insert pleats. On the upside, I did find the hat I wanted for her version of Outdoor Life... and discovered that I am going to have to make some gussets in Silghtly Summery for it to fit her rather than a francie doll.

I got my leatherbound copy of Tea with the Black Dragon yesterday- it's so lovely! The pages are not gilded (?) but the top edge is coloured... with black rather than the more common red... so I do believe I'll leave it alone. I am trying to figure out the 'number' though. The limitation page states that there are 275 copies, 250 of which were offered for sale and my copy is numbered PC. Presentation copy? Publisher's copy? Wish I knew for sure but I'm having no luck choking the information out of the internets.

I'm back working on Sundays- no surprise there. What surprised me was that I got two before we changed back... sometimes being good at your job is not a benefit. Also one day sale today- tons of 5lb potatoes- 20 bales of them, which made for a hard day Thursday putting them all on a cart.

The Irish Chain quilt border is very slow going right now- I seem to spend a lot of time on it without making much headway.

After mopping Mom's floor for her yesterday, I want a Swiffer! Still with the back ache but a lot easier.

And that's more or less the state of the wren today.

books!, work, dolls

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