Oct 03, 2014 11:06
As per usual, I'm having project trouble. I finished the Hobbit tablecloth and napkins (finally!) and I have one project that I can't talk about that is not finished ... but I'm having trouble finishing that one before I start another. For one thing, I want to be very careful with it so a few minutes here and there is not going to cut it- I'm going to have to have a day off without chores. One day should do it... but I want it all of a piece.
That is not my problem, however. My problem is that my mind is trying to start two projects at once. One is my Irish Chain quilt that I've been sneaking up on for forever and the other is a knitting project for Nancy. I've got the cotton I want to use for yarn... but even my #1 stockinette needles are too big- I ordered some tiny tiny ones from Australia that should work. I found a pattern I like... and a gauge conversion page on line because I think the gauge is going to be smaller... and beat my brain into remembering just how to knit- now all I have to do is wait on the needles. In the mean time, I could work on her t-shirt (needs to be cut down a touch) or any of the other projects or even the rest of this outfit but I can't get in gear for them.
On the other hand, I could be quilting. I have several tops that just want quilting to finish them... but instead my brain keeps planning out this Irish chain top.
Am I the only one who can't decide which project to work on? And even when I do, sometimes my brain won't cooperate and wants to do something else.