Day 1087

Nov 21, 2012 06:41

Thing nineteen: I'm grateful that my friend is home with no mishaps!

Thing twenty: I'm grateful for a nap- even if it was only 10 minutes.

Thing twenty one: I'm grateful I don't have to take Emily to school today- I can let my hair dry out before I put it up. I'm also grateful that (because of yesterday's scheduling) my lunch is already made and in the fridge at work and dinner for the three of us is already made and in the fridge here.

Since we had too many people at work yesterday, I didn't get to work a full day. So I ran over to Teavana and had them make me a sample cup of Silver Yin Zhen Pearls White Tea- so delicious! It's like drinking the spirit of perfume. I want to get some and have a teapot just for this particular tea- a habit I have gotten into because of the Yixing mouse pot. I also want to get a black dragon Yixing pot for my Black Dragon Pearls Black Tea... what I make in the mouse is Phoenix Mountain Dan Cong Oolong Tea. (I also want to try Amandine Rose Black Tea- it sounds really nice and is a LOT less expensive than the others!)

For a coffee girl, I'm thinking a lot about tea right now!

I'm also thinking about board games...check this out:

and, if we like it, there are some upgrades for the 221B Baker Street game- extra cases, Sherlock shaped pieces, and so on.

Now to convince Emily to have Saturdays unplugged with me and going out and then a game night where she's off the computer at least one night a week. Wonder if Mom would be interested in playing a board game sometimes?

grateful, sherlock

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