Day 2123

Mar 08, 2010 19:51

I hurt so bad, even on two Aleve, that I would pay someone much money to come and give me a massage.

The only think I can think of is it's a reaction to the novocaine this morning because I don't recall doing anything that could possibly make me hurt this bad and certainly not all over. Other than that, the dentist appointment went well.

Th appointment with the principal was, for the most part, not too bad either. I walked a bit softly but I did point out that, while Emily should not have hit the girl, she was defending herself because she felt that no one in authority would defend her or protect her. This is true and has been borne out by the incident itself- how was the child able to hit her 4 times and no one intervene?

On the other hand, I am rather less than pleased with my auto mechanic. I had a 1 pm appointment there (and I really really didn't want to go to begin with) and I waited until 1:30- and no one showed up. So I will go elsewhere on Saturday and get this fixed. I'm on a time crunch here because I have to pass emissions this month and get my registration taken care of for this year.

I'm going to go play with good smellies now.

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