Day 2142 Valentine's Day

Feb 14, 2010 09:30

♥ Happy Valentine's Day! ♥

Having said that, I've a few thoughts on the day.

Yes, I am single- that wouldn't have been my choice but that's how it's worked out so far. This does not mean that I am not lovable enough (in ref to someone's posting "If you want to be loved, be lovable") it's just the way my life has worked out until now. It's not tragic- there are a lot of things I like about being single- and it does not mean that I'm too (fill in the blank) to have a relationship- I just don't right now. And I may never- and that's not tragic either so condolences are not needed.

Do I hate Valentine's Day and wish it would go away and die? No, of course not. I want everyone to have a day to celebrate their partner or whatever love they have in their life. It makes me a little sad that I don't have someone to celebrate with but I'm not enough of a dog in the manger to want to take it away from everyone else.

Am I going to participate in any of the "singles" Valentine rituals or parties? No. First off, I have Emily which would preclude the parties and the rituals all seem to be very negative (drinking alone while watching a movie? Um- bad idea. Plus I have work in the morning.)

Look, if you're sad because no one loves you enough to buy you chocolates or flowers or jewelry, quit it. If you want them, get some. There's no law against buying yourself chocolates or flowers or jewelry- consider it a Valentine to yourself and you should love yourself enough to send one to yourself! Personally I thought about it- and decided I'd rather have fabric. So I splurged and ordered a bit. It will be here in a few days- my Valentine to myself.

If you're simply sad because you want to be in a relationship and you aren't- quit that too. Jumping into a relationship because you want to be with someone for (insert holiday here) means that you aren't being picky enough and you'll probably end up breaking up anyway. The major hurt of a breakup is a lot worse than the minor owie of being alone on a holiday for couples. Wait for the good one to eventually happen and in the meantime, get on with your life.

So how to get through Valentine's Day single? You don't have to. All you have to do is get through February 14th. It's a Sunday this year... what do you normally do on Sunday? I mean- nobody goes out trying to adopt a child so they'll be a mother on Mother's Day or a father on Father's Day- this is just another day for the rest of us.

So, those of you that are in a romantic relationship, have a great Valentine's Day. The rest of us are going to have a great Sunday and maybe celebrate a little non-romantic love.

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