Day 2633

Dec 31, 2008 21:20

I have hit a snag... I am about 14 inches short of the fabric I want to use for a border on Cherry Hill Sampler.

Also? My right shoulder seems to be damaged in some way... ditto my left knee. No idea why or how.



Problems all solved! I applied hot water to the aches and they mostly went away (I may have pulled something in my shoulder just below the collar bone but oh well.)

With the quilt, I'll use what I have and then make a piece of solid black to fill in where I need just a little bit more... and embroider ee cummings poem we are so both and oneful on it. Only question now is; the first line or the whole poem? It's really short and I think I could fit it. And it suits this quilt which I have been considering my Valentine's quilt for single people.

Ah... much better. Now for a meme (because I am too lazy to do any more on the quilt tonight.)
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