Day 3216

Apr 09, 2008 23:05

My house is a wreck. I have got to get to cleaning and organizing it before it drives me out of my ever-lovin' mind.

No, nothing dire has happened... but I want to get to work on the library and I'm having to wait on other people and deal with not much time to work on it so I'm getting a bit ruffled about it all. So much I want to do and I want to do it all right now! Plus the shelves in the living room are starting to give way.

Emily is making me proud. She has been chosen from her school for the Science Olympiads and we find out tomorrow what needs to be done when. She also got her test scores back from some standardized test or other and she is now reading on a 6th grade level. Tomorrow I'm making her fillet steak as a treat... with Marchand de Vin Sauce because she requested it.

Work is.. work. Well, there it is. I wear perfume to work and one of my co-workers and one of my customers decided that they really liked Madame Moriarty. My co-worker, I gave the lab's web address to but my customer is 78 years old and computer shy so I told her that I would bring her a bottle to buy. Thank goodness it's Madame Mo and not Sin, Perversion or Men Ringing Bells with Penises!

In other perfume news, I received a lovely frimp from a friend of The Living Flame. And while I was testing it, I spilled quite a lot of it *arrrgh* *headdesk* I did have the presence of mind to sop it up with quilt batting so I can send people sniffies of it.

I finally got to see Sweeny Todd. Not Depp's best role but it was fairly good and I'll probably watch it once or twice, anyway. It is most definitely a Tim Burton film, however! Most of it is so dark it looks almost as if it were filmed in black and white.
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