Jul 12, 2005 15:49
A- age you got your first kiss:um...14 i think
B - band listening to right now: underdog, spamalot soundtrack
C - crush: Danyelle Laurent
D - Dad's name: lewis
E - easiest person to talk to: Stephanie Hicks
F - favorite food: mom's meatloaf
G - gummy bears or gummy worms: gummy worms theyre sour and really good
H - hometown: Haughton, LA (technically, but i don't claim it)
I - instruments: does the computer count?
K - kids: After marriage, god help me
L - longest car ride ever: typical family vacation, louisiana to pennsylvania, including mount rushmore, dc, etc...
M - mom's name: Wilma
N - nicknames: Topher, Reicher
O - one wish: to teach high school and be able to give my family a good life
P - phobia: snakes and anything dealing with eyes (eyedrops freak me out)
Q - favorite quote: It is better to keep your mouth shut and have everyone assume you are an idiot, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. einstein i think
R - reason to smile: my friends
S - song you sang last: always look on the bright side of life - spamalot
T - time you woke up [today]: 8 ish
U - unknown fact about me: i went from kindergarden to my senior year without missing a day of school
V - vegetable you love: anything but eggplant
W - worst habit(s): letting people walk all over me, kindness
X -x-rays you've had: both arms, chest, teeth, head
Y - yummy foods to snack on: sushi
Z - zodiac sign: picese