That's right, yours truly have finally ascended the final step and is now on his way to become a full fledged ninja! The proof? Right here, baby!
You can clearly see the surprise of my roommate as the dreaded Ninja-Wrede suddenly appears out of nowhere. For a much un-cooler explanation read the following. If you don't want to ruin your mental image of me as a butt-kicking ninja (of doom) then stop reading. Now!
The thing is, I got accepted into the Rapid Deployment Forces training program. As part of our new equipment we got these lovely blue commando hoods. Nobody new what they were for until someone realized that they were to complete another piece of useless G.I outfit, namely our PJs. Seperate, they're just incredibly silly. Together they form a super-strong ninja outift, granting amazing powers to the wearer. Kinda like the Power Rangers, or the members of KISS.