Aug 13, 2004 12:22
instructions: write ten statements about ten people on your friends list. don't tell them who is who.
1. we talked for a while and got on pretty well, and then we kind of stopped talking which is a shame because you were way cool. i'm not sure if you'll read this, but you're rad.
2. envy.
3. i thought you were the coolest of the cool, once upon a time.
4. you're the biggest breath of fresh air i've met in a long time, i adore everything about you, because everything about you is adorable, for lack of a better word. wish i got to talk to you more.
5. why don't we talk anymore?
6. sometimes you get on my nerves.
7. you're an interesting type. we have a lot in common and talking to you doesn't really get boring, even though you may think you're boring sometimes.
8. you're the funnest person on my friends list. i doubt you could ever do anything which isn't achingly cool.
9. you fell off the face of the earth. even so, i still think about you some.
10. you know we're gonna hang out one day. oh my.
i won't tell, but feel free to speculate.