[The recording begins with an eerie silence- the type that has a presence to it, as though someone is hiding in it. After a moment the shuffling of a heavy boot, somewhat loud, indicating that the communicator is on the floor. More distantly, some sniffling can be heard and the somewhat pathetic groaning of a grown man crying; Small whimpers and stifled sobs manage to escape him. Soon enough there's a scraping as the communicator is picked up off the floor and a second voice speaks.]
"... I'm sorry, Loz."
[The crying quiets down and there's little more than sniffling and shaky breathing for a long time. If one listened hard enough, the first man repeats "sorry", before there's a growl in the voice and it's gone from sad to angry almost instantaneously.]
You're Sorry?! What did you do?! Did you make Mother leave?! Did Kadaj?! It's those people, the ones who brought us here- they think they can just-
[The channel is flooded with angry shouting and crashing sounds, wood snapping and walls being slammed.]
Where did Mother go?! Where's Mother?! Where's Kada-
[The communicator seems to stop recording then.]
(OOC: Backdated to death. Around the time of
Yazoo's entry. And the other voice is Yazoo.)