Golden Disk Awards, Thursday night, and YAY SuJu & SNSD! Daesang winners, and deservedly so :D
{pics from au sm}
Look at the huge gap between her ankles and the ends of the pants! And I think these are supposed to be skintight :o
Her shoulder blades (I think) are poking out so sharply, and so is her spine...
PRS GAIN WEIGHT JESSICA. She looks like I could break her with one karate chop (not that I know any karate).
I don't think I'll work at Ikea... $5/hour, 5-11pm, 7 days a week including public holidays; and I'll be working as a server. No bathing caps, but... the job at Ion is $6/ hour and in shifts, weekends off.
To clarify I'm not hired for both jobs yet LOL. I'm contemplating applying at Etude House if the $6/hour job doesn't work out. Discounts, lovely frilly pink uniforms (OK NOT A PLUS POINT) and Kpop all day long!
Knowing me, I'll probably continue lazing at home. Teehee.