Mar 06, 2005 22:24
Okay so i was right, sara was out with Sam cause he needed to see her and talk to her, so yeah, I got a message from chris telling me he's smoking up with brandon and steve, the fucked up triplets, and franly im not in the mood for them, so fuck that yeah im home, and im dying some of my hair violet, dunno why, dunno if it will work anyways, but hopefully it will cause the blonde i had earlier tpday sucks big time..dunno i was just bored don't even ask! So anyways as you can see thing arent going exactly my way, things are just going the WRONG way, the fuckin wrong way but eh what to do!
So yeah, then i have my fuckin ex boyfriend who is happily moving on with his life, doesnt even ask about me, after all ive been through cause of him, for a year and a half, he just moves on and looks for his fuckin next victim, but no reine is calm, reine is good, reine will be more calm in a sec..*takes a deep breath* *in ...and out* okay...maybe i'm more calm now..anyways with all that said..let's move on to the next thought...hmm or maybe there isnt a next thought cause reine is blank...or maybe not! I dunno..dont ask..cause anyways i wont answer...okay so moving on, i get a call last night at 2:00 fuckin am, from my best friend in Michigan..what to say, she sits there and lectures me about how i shouldnt be doing drugs, or drinking or messing up my life because that's not me and im so much better, well honey try being in my fuckin shoes for a day and then tell me if its right or wrong... damn it! people always have something to say and lecture about..why cant i just live life with having more 20 people telling me what to do or what not to do! fuckin a! why they wanna make me feel loved!?? well guess what..i dont feel that way, cause the only reason they sit there and lecture is because they wanna sound smart and helpful, but when it comes down to the truth..nops that's not it..they dont yeah fuck it!
Moving on...I wake up this morning, i get a call also from my friend, from last semester, telling me that i am not hanging out with my old group and that ive been acting weird lately, well EXCUSE ME!!!! It's not my damn fault that these people are sooooo fuckin stupid that i cant stand talking to them for one sec, cause for one i hate closed minded people, and for two, i hate people who just do things to please their friends and yeah! ehem! *coughs* *adjusts her seat* *lays back* emm yeah.. Oh oh and it gets even better, my friend from last semester started hanging out with me this semster and all, once he noticed how many guys give me attention and all, he backed off, he doesnt even say hi anymore, or passes by or anything at all, well im sorry i dont like you back but for fuck's sake whatever happened to our friendship, so as you can see guys wanna have it their way or no fuckin other way... fuckin bastards... and damn it i use the word *fuck* so many fuckin times... *hush hush* damn it!
wow, do i really have more to say, or am i just not realizing that i should get my fuckin ass up and go smoke some nicotine or something... yeah that;s what i should do...which reminds me, mission one, was to go on a starvation process until i feel satisfied with my body so far it's working but im taking too many laxatives and pills that im getting sick..hmm what to do!!?? nothing im just gonna go on cause i really dont fuckin care.. yay..i love it when i have the most amazing answers to strike people's intelligence! wohhooooo *go reine go!*
wow with all those things said, now its time for chain smoking so reine will head to her room where she shall sit and do nothing for a couple of hours..actually i do have something to do but that is my own business so mind yours...hah!