Title: The One Where Bruce Gets Rid of the Hulk and Everything Turns Out Alright
Fandom: Avengers (movieverse)
Characters/Pairings: Bruce Banner and Tony Stark
Rating: PG
Word Count: 402
Summary: Bruce gets rid of the Other Guy, and everything turns out alright.
Notes: Nobody looked over this for me and I hardly looked over it myself. All mistakes are so much my fault that I actually am a fault.
He’d been working on it for a long time. Tony didn’t really approve, but he didn’t say anything against it, either, though, so Bruce couldn’t feel guilty for using his equipment and lab and money and help and pretty much everything that actually contributed to finishing this project other than Bruce himself and Tony provided him with food and clothing and shelter and all other fundamental things along with a whole lot of things that aren’t fundamental and-
So maybe he was a little guilty.
He’d get over it, though. Surely, he would.
He was about to rid the world of one of its biggest threats, after all.
He looked at Tony, standing across the room with the strangest mixture of disappointment and intrigue on his face. Bruce wouldn’t have found the cure if it hadn’t been for the other scientist. It was odd, really. Tony hadn’t wanted Bruce to get rid of the Hulk, but he had thrown everything he had into helping Bruce.
And now they were finished.
For a moment, he wondered what would happen after he did this. With the Other Guy gone, where would he go? What would he do? He wanted so desperately to know what the future had in store for him.
He took a deep breath, pushed those thoughts aside, and brought the Hulk to the forefront of his consciousness. He wanted to feel him pressing against his skull one last time. He wanted to feel the desperation and fear of losing control just one last time. He didn’t understand why, but it comforted him. It was the last time you see someone before going to college. It was the last box before moving out.
This was the last time to feel the Hulk before beginning a new life.
The Other Guy was unhappy. He knew he was about to be removed from this world. He tried to fight Bruce, tried to break free and stop his demise, but the physicist was too content to yield any control to the rage monster. Bruce pitied him.
Then, he pushed the syringe into the crook of his arm with a sigh of relief.
The Hulk roared and fought inside his brain. He smashed and ran, and then he stomped and growled. His strength began to wane after a few moments, and finally, with one last whimper, he faded from the world.
And Bruce Banner was free.