Mar 01, 2004 03:47
There is the old saying that for progression, there has to be destruction. Now with that said let's talk about this issue of gay marriage. First lets lay out a few facts, since the media and the government easily confuse this word. Marriage is something that happens in a religious place. Since we have this great divide of church and state in the country that should help right? Wrong.
Somewhere along the lines church and state did get intertwined. But how couldn't it? A church is 'spose to bring you up with strong values, something or someone to believe in. So in theory a lot of the values that we have in this country already are from the church, even if not directly represented, but by the values of our leaders that WE vote into office.
So when this issue of gay marriage is brought up, what most homosexuals are asking for is one thing. To bring together their love, their commitment also in the long terms their assets. They want to be represented by the government that they live under.
I am going to go into the far off reaches, and make up some crazy notions, but how is this any different than what Saddam did to his people in Iraq? Didn't Saddam not recognize a part of his country? Only by starving, and repressing their values.
Our United States Constitution was constructed for our liberties, and our life long pursuit of happiness. But if President Bush says that homosexuals can't marry, how is this contributing to our liberties? How does that make everyone in this country enjoy the freedoms that we all take for granted. Which we should take for granted that is the best part about living in a free country.
Stand up next to the pioneers of their community, say to them how proud you are telling them that it is there right to. There right not to be married, but to be able to commit to the person they love, and it be recognized by the country they live in and love too.
In some lights the steps of the courthouse is similar to the steps of Lincoln's Memorial. Both have a bittersweet ending. Only time will tell how truly dense and third world this country our mine can be at times.