Nov 15, 2003 01:41
Why does it seem that people that are hypercritical of others dont ever seem to stand back and take a look at themselves? I came into this realization today. I worked a nice 10 hour day with no breaks. What do I hear in return? Why didnt you run more of a sportscast. Well when I dont listen to a game becouse I was told that I was going to get a wrap from you...well I cant do anything. Dont bother me with petty crap like that I know that I didnt becouse I was banking on you giving me a call. Also when you have a cell phone dont they work everywhere now. Plus dont give me a the old excuse of having a dead battery, being the sneaky screwball I had a full battery before you left the station.
So what I learned today. People are fickle. They enjoy listening to there own voices. The older they are the more hypercritical of other people they get. I really dont want to get old, please god dont let me become a bitter old man that no one can work around.
Just a few more hours till I start my weekend...what is a weekend? Thats right it happends between never and a quarter to never.
I just want one weekend in December THATS IT!