Aug 15, 2005 07:38
1)I WANT MY FUCKING SHORTS BACK!!! its not funny at all. I only have one pair. Ive asked nicely a lot........i just want them back.
2) My pink spandex is missing.....who knows where it is?
Im done babysitting sean. I made about 85 dollars, so i think i did pretty good. :)
Oh and if you havent seen me/dont know me that well. I have blue steaks in my hair now, which im very excited about. An excellent change, start funking things up a bit.
oh ya..i have a ..watever they are called. ummmm.....not livejournal..but the rival new online wave of addiction. well..i have one..look me..up. my name is tooshpa. brit helpedme make it look crazy