Free Fallin'

Apr 26, 2009 14:11

Bright light, originally uploaded by goodie two shoes.
Yesterday Nick and I went to Katina's nephew's (Dominick) birthday party. We spent an hour or so at Katina's then headed over to Nick's friend's housewarming party. There weren't many people there but I still had a good time. I finally got to meet his cousin who he speaks so fondly of. Nick and I went to Legacy Village later that night to enjoy the good weather and if we were get ice cream. Unfortunately, it being so late, we didn't get ice cream but we did walk around and take pictures. We also danced to John Mayer's cover of Free Fallin'. I've never slow danced in a shopping center before; it was great. After Legacy Village we met up with Austin and Jackie. We spent about an hour outside on Austin's porch talking and laughing. It was a lot of fun. I'm so glad Nick gets along with my friends. That's a whole bunch of brownie points for him.

I must mention that on our way to Legacy, Nick got out of a speeding ticket because he mentioned to the police officer that his uncle was on the SWAT Team...which is entirely true.

john mayer, nick, legacy village, photos, jackie, austin

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