May 09, 2005 19:19 Im at the deli in wegmans this morning. A woman and her son are standing next to me. The woman asks the deli lady for a piece of cheese for her son. The lady hands it to him. The mother says to her son "what do you say?" ...and the son responds with "It's HUUUUUUGE!!!" The mother tells him thats not the right response but you could tell she was laughing too. I was hysterical.
On another note, in my procrastination, I've been researching another trip to London. Bad. But I miss that place. There's so much more I want to do. If it weren't for the food and the price of living, I'd contemplate moving there. It's like a mellower, prettier New York City. It's perfect.
And on that note, I am a complete and total nerd. I'm gonna go back to studying Spanish and watching Wheel of Fortune...