Told Harley that I was feeling really down & he said he thinks it's because of the neck pain I'm in & how tired I am. I think it could be a big part of it. I forget how much pain can mess me up. I snap quicker, don't have the want to do anything other than sit down with a heat pack. I've been trying to keep up my exercise regime but haven't been able to do as much which is really weighing on me, I know it sounds stupid to be that obsessed with getting fit but I feel like I'm huge and still have a long way to go. Maybe another 5-10 kilos to drop & I'll be happy. I wanna be a good role model for my girls, I want to be healthy & fit & be able to run around with them, to want to run around & do fun stuff and being overweight isn't really going to help me achieve that. I know that I'm a great role model in other parts of their life but I think health & fitness is important too, I don't want them eating the way I did, feeling shitty about themselves, having low self esteem. Raising girls is actually pretty scary when I think about what I went through! I seriously don't want them to go through it too!
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