
Oct 29, 2011 08:05

Arrgghhhh Alexis has a cough and really nasty sounding cough. I am so pissed off because my dad & his gf, Cathy, came over for dinner the other night for our birthdays and she was fucking sick!!! I didn't really notice it until after dinner when her voice got super croaky and Harley asked if she was sick and she played it down all "oh I should be over it by now it's nothing" ffs if it's hung around longer than it should don't fucking visit my house with my newborn & four yr old. In fact if you have even the slightest tickle in your throat stay the fuck away. With all this whooping cough going around and the fact that my uncle had & my aunty had been around Cathy when my uncle was sick.

Her cough sounds so painful & I have to keep telling her to constantly wash her hands. Cathy also used her fucking utensils to serve lex food!!! Argghh we hate that because of the germ thing but also because of the vegetarian thing, lucky the food was all veg but it means she doesn't think about it when she eats meat. I am super angry...I just hope fable doesn't catch it or me cause I am already drained enough.

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