Oct 25, 2008 14:22

been feeling kinda sick these past few days... it make getting things done difficult. i left work early this morning because i felt gross, and i got done printing tags kind of early (which was all i was there to do in the first place)

c city's having issues staying in business lately.... so maybe i'll lose my job, or maybe not... i'm not all that concerned by it myself, but it could impact some of my coworkers rather harshly i know. (is it wrong that a small part of me *Wants* to be laid off?) i'm tired of retail... so so tired of it

speaking of jobs... gotta get started on katy's backgrounds again 0.o

when my aquarium is fully cycles (all the nitrates and ammonia are replaced with beneficial bacteria, which should happen soon) im thinking of adding a few of these guys to my cardinal tetra school. they *should* school together and make a nice addition.

something funny... or not. i added my cardinals a long time ago, about a month or so, and despite the cycling going on in the tank, they've proven hardier than other species. i only ever lost one. most people say they're too sensitive to water changes... but ive never had problems with them in the past or now. i think they're great fish, and much more attractive that neons.

sick, blah, job

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