some poems ive wrote today

May 19, 2005 22:04

Stupid hands…
The pain that you are feeling right now
Is not worth my damn time…
Im sorry
But the game was fun
So I played it
I could have stopped the game at any point I wanted
But I didn’t
So just stop stinging

The slap game
Much fun to be had
See how long you can go
And how hard you can hit the other
Before they make a sound

Bloody knuckles?
That is the one game
I refuse to play
With anyone

Strangers with a friendly face
Offering me help
As if I should trust them…
Who are they
To offer me a shoulder to lean on?

Late nights up
Just to pass away the time
No reason in particular
Just because we could
I guess

Don’t remind me
Of all the things you’ve done
The cruel things you have said
Just to get my attention
The people you have insulted
Just to feel superior to them…
Don’t remind me
Of your sickly ways
I don’t wish to remember

Don’t bother
To tell me
The truth…
Its way to late now
You’ve had your chance
I gave you all the time that you needed
And this is what you choose to do with it
Its not my problem
That it took you this long
To want to try and fix things…
Ive moved on

Ive told you everything
And yet ive told you nothing
Ive handed you the answer
And yet
There is still a question
Ive showed you how to figure it out
And yet you still do not understand
I wonder
Just how much longer it will take you
To figure this all out?

Oh my god…
How did that happen?
Why didn’t the bag open correctly?
That’s so annoying…
Now the house
Smells like
Burnt popcorn…

Gonna try this again
I shall be back in like
Five minutes
Going to try and make
A proper bag of popcorn
And not have it end up burnt

I blame that last bag
On faulty creation
Its so not my fault
That it didn’t open correctly
And that it burnt

Keep me out of the kitchen
That’s twice today
I have totally murdered something
That I was making to eat…>_<

Remind me again
Why I have to read
The instructions on the box
Before making brownies…
So I don’t mess up?
Well um
That’s news to me

Caucasian persuasion
I like that
And lookie!
It rhymes too.
That’s totally awesome
Its meaning might
Just bring it down

The lesjongluers
Its been a long time
Sence ive seen them
I wonder what became of the little trio
Of jugglers from faire

Go to hell!
*soft chuckle as I watch
the stupid frown on your face
for I sure did…
and its time
you pay for that which you have done
I know I did

I hope that hes ok
Its been ages since ive seen
The tall lanky guy
Who bends this way and that
All for the amusement
and joy of the looks of gruisume pain
that stretches over the faces
of those who watch

I wish that I could talk
Just as easily as I can write
My thoughts and words
Flow so easily onto paper
So why not into speech?

Why don’t you ever stop talking?
Its called
Take a moment
To just breath
Its rather annoying
How you never shut up
And yet
Have nothing to say…

Kissing toast….
Why would anyone
Go around kissing toast?
Toast is extremely good
It goes well with breakfast,
One can never go wrong with
A little butter,
Or some other spread
Or just by itself…
No matter how great toast is…
I still don’t see why anyone would go around kissing it

So the brownies didn’t turn out bad
They just
Aren’t marbled
Like they are supposed to be
Oh well
Next time ill get it right

I hate how people
Get so upset
When threatened to get jumped
And then they turn around
And start mouthing off
About jumping someone else

Its funny how people treat you
Even with all you’ve done for them
All they want is to take and take
But never seem to want to return

Your all talk
And I find it funny
That you go around saying that shit
It will truly land you with some major problems…
And I wont be there for you
So who then
Will you choose to go running too?

Retardation in a bottle
All thick
And icy
Slow moving
Hard to pour out…
I hope that this cap
Remains tight
It will escape

Just stop talking to me
He hasn’t done anything to you
So just leave him alone…
If you don’t agree with the things he does
Then ignore him or something
Don’t go causing fights
That you cant win…

Don’t drag me into your problems
Especially not ones of this sort
I want nothing to do with this shit
And that is all it truly is…
A waste of my time

I hate to say this
But if you two
Were ever truly to be in a fight
I don’t know whose side
I would be on…
Ive known one of you for so long,
and would trust with anything and everything
and the other means so much to me
I guess
Id just rather you two not fight

The ice running down my throat
And melting
As it sits within my mouth
A cave awaiting
And yet
Im not sure what

You don’t need a friend right now
Friends just tell you what you want to hear
They are never truly honest
Unless they don’t care
About how you will react
And therefore
Cover their true opinions and thoughts
Even when asked the simplist of questions….
What you need,
Is someone who will listen

Love is your master
And you are just its lonesome dog
Doing its bidding
And bending on one knee
Longing to feel
Its pleasures
And to please
Hoping that you do not end up betraying it
Leaving love behind you
In the dark

Can we go to the car now?
And get out of this
And unwelcoming place
I don’t like it here
Amongst these bodies
That wait their turn on the assembly line
The morgue on a Sunday night

Jelly donut?
Ive never had one
So I have no reason to say
Whether or not I would want one or not

The thickened fog
Surrounding me
As I pass by house and streetlamp
Inhaling the swift
Pale air
That engulfs everything it touches
I smell the sweetness
That lingers upon it
The freshness
And joy of life
A new day soon to come

Tomorrow is my judgement day
I know that when that fateful hour comes
I shall be ready to face it
Head on….
I shall not shrink away in fear
Or try to hide
No matter what I do
I will have to take that test….
In the end
This algebra test will bring me down

You wont be alive
To see the next sunset
For when the time comes
I will no longer play these games
My true self will come out
Unhindered by your thoughts and opinions
I will not stop
To listen to your pleas
You asked for it…
And its time I gave you what you wanted

Times up
Rules change…
Now its time to play my way
We shall most definitely
See who the real player is
And learn of one anothers limits
But hun
I can go much further than you
And highly doubt
You will out do me

Blood smeared walls
Paintings of life
And death
Stories told
Through unknown words
And scribbling of sorts….
I hope you can understand this message
For I sure cant.

So finally
Ive ventured out into the world
Left my little corner of darkness
No longer
Do I remain a figment
Of darkwhispers and the gaming rooms…

Five straight hours
Of nothing more
Than david bowie
And buffy the vampire slayer
How much longer can this insanity go on for?

I cant believe
Ive never seen this part of darkness before
Ive seen it before
Ive just never payed it
Any attention
Ive had no reason
To come here till now

Of all the things
You have said to me today
That was the one thing
That meant the most to me
I love how you can make me smile
And feel as though
I mean something
To someone out there
No matter what I do
No matter what happens

Do my friends do that a lot?
You could say that…
I don’t think that there has been a day
This year
When one of them
Hasn’t had at least their own hand down their pants…
What do you mean
It doesn’t surprise you?
Come one now…
Were 14, at the oldest….
So its expected of us to have our hands
And other people’s hands down our pants?

Fan clubs…
Yah gotta love em…
Spread the love ya’ll
It just makes you feel worth while and all the more loved
Sometimes it can be rather scary
And odd….

5000 posts
and now
I am an elder
Its not everyday
That one reaches such a high count…
And yet
I care not
Numbers are numbers
They mean nothing to me….

Intriguing how things work out
I never would have thought
That I could reach this level
On a day to day
How I love it

My own “custom title”
What to say
What to put
Oh how confuzzling it all is…
I know!
Ive got the perfect idea…
Oh wow…
How odd…

Shut your mouth
And open your eyes
Maybe you will learn something
For once
And realize
What a waste it all was
And then wont you be sorry?

Finally found it
Because im that cool
Ive spent my time
Locked in my room
For some randomn book
That I wasn’t even sure of what it was titled
But I found it
And peace has been restored

This is precisely why I stick
To the poetry
And gaming section
I don’t end up getting pissed off

I now remember
Why I hated the new member section…
the ones who are there
tend to be on the cruel side

you cruel
demented lizard
stop staring at me
its driving me insane
just stop!!!

I wonder if you will ever truly understand
The pain that you put me through
Each and every time I see your face
And I imagine you with her…
I don’t know why I care
I know that I should not..
And yet
For some reason I cant stand the sight of you two together…
You aren’t happy
You know you aren’t
You’ve told me so yourself
So why not just end it all
And fix it for yourself?
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