Thoughts and feelings affect us.

Oct 21, 2005 23:24

You tell yourself "mann, i'm so sick and tired of this" or man "i'm a worthless piece of shit" day in and day out, without even realising it. What most people dont realise, is that each and every negative thought affects your mind and body. You tell yourself you're sick and tired of this and that, and most of the time it'll make you sick and tired. Its that simple! I've been doing alot of reading on this stuff lately, because i'm always trying to be positive. I'm currently reading a book titled, "The Dynamic Laws of PROSPERITY: Forces That Bring Riches To You" by Catherine Ponder, and i must say that even from reading a few pages of this book, I'm already feeling better about things.

Lately, I must say i've been going through some rough times both financially, and emotionally. Theres times where i feel like just giving up, and not trying anymore. I often get into these mind states where all I do is beat myself up about things that I have done wrong,or worry the shit outa myself, and this in turn affects me. I then picked up this book in the Thrift store and started reading it. The concept is amazing, it teaches you "prosperous thinking" and also relates alot to God and spirituality. Most people whom are spiritual would admit that praying to God every night helps them feel better. Well this book seems to take it one step further.

This book also provides positive affirmations that you can read, to help yourself feel better. They help! Like honestly :p You might think they're gay, but they are helpful. One example is "I stir up the gifts of God within me and around me, and I am blessed on every hand with happiness, success, and true achievement." Even just reading this helps you feel better. Another example is, "I am not discouraged. I am persistant. I go forward. I am determinded to achieve success in God's own wonderful way for me."

You see folks, it helps to think positively. Negative thoughts lead to negative consequences. So be happyyyy! :D
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