Thread Archive!

Feb 06, 2010 10:57

First thread! Tiny Russia throws snowballs.

Crashing a World Meeting thread. Soviet Russia tries to get some reeducating done, but settles for making a deal instead.

Soviet Russia is drawing very nice picture! Quality art critique goes under-appreciated.

Part 60 Age Switch (shame I had to get rid of the icons)! Making pirozhki with AU Russia gets somewhat awkward.

Making a poster. Talking cacti are normal around here?

A wild baby Hong Kong appears! Thailand and China pop up, to very different receptions, and baby Hong Kong is kind of a jerk. An adorable jerk.

China bids a poignant farewell to the meme. The mood gets shattered, and some laundry gets stolen.

Ouch. Kievan Rus'' day gets a whole lot worse.

Happy Birthday, Old Fritz! Your cake looks questionable, though.

"I think the Mongols were too vilified." China's dragon disagrees.

Somebody asks the magic words. Anyone want buckets and buckets of headcanon?

Coffee, anyone? little Belarus and Ukraine, be brave!

"Just as keikaku." Hungary doesn't want to talk, but anon wants to give Mongol a camera...

Kowloon, you fibber. In the future, cell phones are powered by the (somewhat explosive) breath of flying horses.

Woops. Soviet Russia's peaceful coloring time takes a turn for the worse. Again.

Two plus two is four. A "wacky" Anon shows up, and Viking Danmark savors the grody taste of disappointment.

Roe is me. Some very classy sushi is used, abused, and left a weeping, broken mess.

" 'F' is for friends who do stuff together, 'U' is for you and me..." Learning about the why and how of playgrounds and hypodermic needles.

" 'N' is for anywhere and anytime at all down here on the Anon Meme!" The Meme Slide feels unsuited for battle.

Amar mend uu? Some people just don't know good food when they get it.

"Did you burn down his capital?" Bitty Hungary thinks he's found a new best friend.

He'll come around. Bitty Finland is troubled by Vikings, but doesn't want any help.

Sealand likes poop jokes. Anybody who has to deal with that kid on a regular basis deserves some serious sympathy...

"Mushroom Legs"? Wooden swords and bearskin rugs are UNAWESOME.

For an Empire, supporting your economy is key. Charging a little kid a gold coin for some gross-looking milk drink? Perfectly acceptable. It's all about the big picture.

It's going down. Teutonic Prussia's packin' heat. Good thing he can't aim...

Petting a baby cactus. It's soft now, but it wants to be prickly when it grows up. (Part 132 Event)

"Friends don't take tribute." Little!Mongol and Novgorod make friends and look at flowers together. The perfect combination of "awww" and "ouch". (Part 132 Event)

Picnics, flowers, and invasions. Kievan Rus' has a tiny conundrum on his hands. (Part 132 Event)

"Monholska ublyudok! Monholska ublyudok!" Ukraine and her pitchfork get some revenge.

Like that's my fault? The Russian Empire will not fall, but the Russian Empire will continue to struggle with some self-esteem issues.

This better not be some weird fish party. Ironing out some details about this "prom" thing.

"This should make him learn, da." Yalta Conference!Russia exacts some long-coming revenge with his trusty water pipe. Nurse? Nurse!!

"This is how I'm gonna celebrate a hundred Parts in this stupid place?" Various Anons, Big Brother Thailand, little Ukraine, and a small, genderbent wannabe-Nation patch the little idiot fallen hero up a bit.

Got any bleach? Femme!France would have an easier time helping the denizens of the meme shop for prom clothing if irritating boys didn't stop by to bleed all over the carpet.

Hold still. Little Ukraine acts against her better interests.

Better think fast, Kowloon! Got any exploding, flying-horse-breath-powered cell phones secret weapons in stock?

And he's got a one-man cavalry, too. The Teutonic Order teases a wounded enemy, gets in a scuffle, makes a threat, and hands over some crazy herbs. Kiev's got one heck of a boyfriend.

Prom outfit! check it.
Now the party don't start 'til I walk in. Mongol's search for the food table is interrupted by an einsamcake-baking Germany, a concerned anon, and Russia, who's actually being nice. (Meme Prom)

Kobbunja, Thailand! Tea with salt is delicious. (Meme Prom)

Take that! And that! Enjoy your hangover, Teutonic Order. (Meme Prom)

He's really just kind of a douche. Bullying little Rus'... (Meme Prom)

Get your own food table to hide under! Dancing isn't in the plan for tonight, no way. (Meme Prom)

Bomb Threat! Obviously, the best thing to do when you discover the thing you're holding is a bomb is to play hot-potato with Russia and Italy. (Meme Prom)

Japan was napping. Then "Mongoru-kun" stopped by. (Meme Prom)

Paying a visit to the Meme Pancake House. Cactuses sure can cook, and "bacon" is delicious! You learn something new every day.

Killing people over religion is stupid, and so's Teutonic Order's face.

Crazy people, umbrellas, and cursed water. Man, Danmark, that eye had just healed up! Thanks a lot, you blockhead.

Surrender! The Teutonic Order looks to kick some ass, but winds up getting his own ass kicked, instead. Hope he doesn't get a concussion...

China, graceful and modest? Yeah, right!

Tai-chi on the meme! Ambiance? What ambiance?

"The Mongol Empire. [...] Not a Pokémon." A strange machine is found, an anon argues about books and long names, and a certain Blissey gets a unique sort of revenge. (Part 151 Pokémon Event)

Pika pika? Pikachuuuu! (Part 151 Pokémon Event)

I'm more charming than you! Kowloon's goodbye letter.

Let's finish this, once and for all! An Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny with a berserker Viking warrior!

Ukraine, past self or future self, you fall for the worst guys. Little Ukraine patches up the Mongol Empire, and learns an awful truth about the Teutonic Order and his ambitions.

The Meme is fertile cropland? Maybe an invasion would be a profitable idea, after all?

100 Parts and a fireworks display for the Teutonic Order! A confrontation over Ukraine ends in nothing definitive except a few burns...

Real warriors don't set themselves on fire. Insults and accusations are thrown around in the aftermath of the Germanic-Anonymous War.

"EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU PISSES ME OFF!" The Teutonic Order tries to teach him how to fight properly.

Germany tries to talk the Mongol Empire into leaving his obnoxious little brother alone. The Mongol Empire half-listens and eats raw cookie dough instead.

Not cute. Little Polotsk, armed with a bucket and a plunger, has a few (make that very few) words to say.

"What's a burger?" Slide gets broken out of curiosity, teaches about stickers, and draws an adorable picture.

Of Persian carpets and fabulous hats. A duel with Ottoman? It can't be about anything frivolous!

Little Ukraine, meet Little Mongol (sain_bairn_uu)! Don't cry, Pretend Big Sister...

Oh, kid. Little Mongol promises Ukraine that when he's a big, powerful Nation, he's going to kill the "mean guy" who bullies Little Ukraine. Haha... ha... er. Isn't that noble of him?

Caution: Contents Under Pressure. Teutonic Order gets staggering-drunk on the meme, but his knights aren't there to punish him, so it's all good. Also, beer is too strong.

Miss Mary Sue, Sue, Sue, all dressed in blue, blue, blue... She's the "glomp 'em and leave 'em" type.

That book is probably full of porn. Mongol, thinking he's acting in the meme's best interests, kills one of Teutonic Order's small eyes.gif friends.

He'd walk right up to heaven and bring it home again. The eyes.gif gather 'round a sketch of Teutonic Order mourning their fallen comrade. One of them whispers for revenge...

Mongolia is hot. And some Anons have wonderful googly eyes!

Can you learn berserkergang? Mongol's about to find out! Danmark says they need a drum, and wonders if he can handre it.

Isn't he a little young for you? Anon quickly loses her composure at romantic rejection, and it's all because of a mislaid Subway discount card. ...Wait, what?

I've been cursed! In his new Anonymous body, Mongol Empire meets a Mary Sue's large breasts (and Mary herself), a Bavarian mochi, an overeager Anon, and Polotsk in Romano's body, and gets invited to the house of a none-the-wiser Kiev. Also, poetry. (Body-swap event)

This isn't going as planned. The "Livonian Knights", really a witch in Livonia's body, is really in a bit over "his" head. (Body-swap event)

I've got my body back! Ow... Mongol wakes up stiff, but that's the least of his problems; the Teutonic Order makes fun of him for being hungry and kicks him around, and Danmark tells him he'll be fighting a bear to learn berserkergang. An Anon tells him about showers, though! Which is nice. If only he'd take one...

"Shut up, Fatty-All-Over!" Making fun of Teutonic Order's getting his adorable cheeks smushed by Anons earns Mongol a handful of party snappers thrown at his feet.

Tonight, on a Very Special Episode... Viking Denmark gets a surprise and drinks a grody cup of coffee, and our heroes learn about lactose intolerance.

Austria's such a classy bitch. Teutonic Order grows up to be some loser who lives in his little brother's basement? AWESOME.

"Get off, chudovishche!" Bitty Mongol (sain_bairn_uu) just wanted a sunflower from the strange tall man, but he got a lot more than he bargained for. Good thing he's got sharp teeth!

That was a close one. Little Ukraine tells Mongol (sain_bairn_uu) that the guy he bit wasn't her tormentor, after all. Then, instead of having a shit bricks epiphany, he asks her about bread.

Who's killing who!? Ukraine tries to defuse her "big little brother" while Mongol (sain_bairn_uu) sniffles, kicks him in the knee, and tries to figure out what the hell is going on.

If Norway licks a cat, there must be something to it, according to Denmark. One day, Mongol, you too will meet a girl you'll just want to grab by the hair and drag behind the nearest barn. Then you'll know what it is to be a man.

Raise the roof! A recurring Anon tries to give a dance lesson, and gets a little bit overemotional.

This is still going to end badly. Bitty Mongol (sain_bairn_uu) has a good cry in bitty Ukraine's front, pledges to change his future, and joins hands with her to go see shiny churches.

Kuchen! The German Cake Fairy lands in some sticky trouble, and falls asleep in a helmet. A language barrier keeps him from introducing our hero to the wonders of chocolate.

About time for a culture clash. Albino Teutonic Order gets offended by bitty Mongol (sain_bairn_uu)'s staring at him, so he insults him back, starts a fight, and sticks him in a tree. This means war.

You know what they say about "the enemy of my enemy"... After a scuffle, the Teutonic Order lays out his plans to declare war on bitty Ukraine's overpossessive big little brother, and bitty Mongol (sain_bairn_uu) agrees to help.

Little boys touching lots of firm balls. Bitty Mongol (sain_bairn_uu) shows Teutonic Order how hard he's been training, and plays catch with a tiny Sweden.

Pool Thread! Anon gives swimming lessons and Taiwan does an impressive synchronized swimming routine complete with dolphins and a fountain, but Teutonic Order still drowns Mongol in order to steal his helmet. Good thing Mongol rolls Emergency Viking! Kid needs to lay off the jam, though.

Crash into hello. Babu Greece is ready to join Teutonic Order's army!

A Meeting Of The Minds. A.k.a. "how Russia's going to be beaten with a metal folding chair". Babu Mongol's a military genius in the making, just you wait.

Brilliant plan. Do you think little Ukraine's beginning to suspect something fishy's going on? Not a chance, bro.

Something tells me that looked a lot less gay on the rack. Mongol sulks after losing his helmet to Teutonic Order. The anons don't help much.

Is that... a dog!? Lying in ambush for somebody behind huge stacks of doujin comes with a significant chance of getting much more than one bargained for. Especially if your name is Turkey.

Better get some ice on that. Babu Mongol learns that babu Greece is getting smacked around by Sadiq, and gets angry.

"Found ya, deranged pervert!" Ottoman Turkey confronts our hero about some suspicious comics-and accuses him of peddling smut! Goodness gracious. ...Did China draw this stuff?

No offense. Mongol confesses to Viking Denmark that there are too many blonds on the dancefloor, and that his family isn't half so close as Denmark's. Maybe if things were different...

Dude... DUUUUUUDE... it's, like... it's so BIG... and... STUFF... Babu Mongol, meet the ocean. Also, meet an, as usual, melancholic and pensive Japan. Who's got some unsettling family advice.

A little from Column A, a little from Column B. Babu Mongol bumps into babu America, and it's time for another culture clash! A cute one. Like, really, really cute. With yogurt and singing. Buhyoo!

Denmark's getting his "Teacher of the Century" award any day now. Any day. It's comin'. Nothing much to say about this thread, really, other than HOLY SHIT BEAR FIGHT YEEEEEEAH! Plus, everyone survives! Which is nice.

"It is not difficult to avoid conflict." That so, Japan? get ready to eat a grenade! (Meme Battle Royale Event)

But can he play Flamenco? With Japan's guitar in tow, Mongol learns how to use grenades, gets a sword from Teutonic Order, and hastily dodges bullets in a battle with Greece. (Meme Battle Royale Event)

Aiyaaaaaa! A sorely-needed lunch break turns deadly thanks to a cunning Anon, and Mongol is out of the running. (Meme Battle Royale Event)

[there's a whole pile of stuff missing from the archives here. I'll add it at some point; keep your pants on!]

A nice house, a white picket fence, a couple kids in the yard... there's something very wrong with this picture.

...And that's it so far; not everything (I forgot to bookmark a bunch of stuff), but most. Definitely To Be Continued... I need to thread more! Yikes.
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