Title: Life Without Meaning
Author: wrath_n_raiths
Rating: PG? I guess.
Characters/Pairings: Ben, Lisa, Dean (Dean/Lisa?)
Warnings: Spoilers for 5.22.
It's twelve am and he's just woken up from another nightmare.
Lisa doesn't even ask-it's not like they'll ever change, not like they ever vary from the same theme, the same voice screaming in the dark for help that Dean had promised not to give. She looks at him but doesn't get up, doesn't follow him out of the bedroom and down to the kitchen.
He half-wishes she would.
By seven thirty am he's three-quarters wasted and working hard on getting the rest of the way there. The Kid knows better than to get too close, tip-toeing around in the kitchen with the grace of an elephant. He's sorry to find he doesn't care.
He doesn't care about anything anymore.
Lisa drops a notebook and a pen in his lap. "It's a dream journal," she says, and her eyes are large and dark and hopeful. "Maybe if you wrote some of them-"
Dean rips the notebook in half and storms out onto the porch. The Kid rushes out in front of him, something about the bus and being late. Dean knows he just doesn't want to be at home with the fucking crazy man anymore. He wishes he didn't have to be here any more either.
But he promised, didn't he? Can't go breaking promises, that's bad mojo.
As if there were any good mojo to begin with.
Lisa comes out after him, sits down on the porch next to him. They look out at the lawn Dean promised to cut a week ago and hasn't gotten around to yet. As if he could go into the garage when the Impala is there, with all her memories of Dad, of blood and war and Sam-
"You don't have to talk about it," she says simply, "You don't have to write it down. I just-" She looks over at him. "I want you to be happy, Dean."
She doesn't seem to understand why he laughs so hard whisky comes out his nose and boy does that burn, and speaking of burning-
"I will," he replies, lying through his teeth and they both know it. Fact is, the only thing that'll fix Dean is two-lane back-country roads and a little brother in the passenger seat.
Seems like all his life he's wanted the one thing he can never have.