May 20, 2004 09:41
Hey I havent actually used this before if someone wants to help me please do, I wanna make this look cooler, Anyways, School is almost over, Sad really, the senoirs will leave and the rest of us will have to step it up a year, what a bummer, I hope every one has fun at prom saturday night, i will be at home, No worries, my sister is going to prom, she is 14 and she is going with a senor she isnt even in highschool yet? weird isnt it. Any ways,
han-I love ya like a fat kid loves cake
Brandy-hasnt talked to me in a week, bummerific
Hydes-is makeing me mad
But this week is devoted to being nice, anyone want to join me in spreading the love of being nice...? Basically just dont say anything mean to anyone, instead KILL THEM...with kindness