(This month, I'm contributing to #femslash february by highlighting female character-centric and femslash-centric tags at AO3.)
(And sorry for the gap, guys! I'm posting Wednesday and today's posts back to back as a result.)
It is a truth generally acknowledged by the entertainment industry that a woman who stars in a television show or film, shall the vast majority of the time be under the age of 40. She might, on a lucky day, be as much as 50. *koff* *Susan Sarandon "too old" to play Catwoman* *koff*
60? 70? Older? Very rare.
Is that really what we want to tell young women? "Enjoy it while you can, because once you get wrinkles, your story is over." Really? And do we want to be telling older women that they shouldn't expect to see themselves in media, except as someone's two-scene grandma dispensing worn-out advice, or appearing only to die in the same chapter/episode to create emotional growth for someone else?
Today's challenge: offer the world a leading lady or major supporting character who is canonically over 50. (And please not someone who's an youthful alien or magically appears younger for some other reason.) Any canon, any medium. Go!
Freeform of the day:
Older Woman (I couldn't find a single other tag for these ladies. Even "Grandmothers" was folded into "Grandparents & Grandchildren".)
So, who's up? Got any awesome older lady pairings for everyone?
Originally posted to Dreamwidth. Current replies: