Mar 21, 2004 20:46
So I finally managed to get one of those job things! It's a nice job as well :D Working for an online London hotel agent answering queries and doing bookings and stuff. It was only a temp job but because I'm so great and they love me so much they wanted to give me the job permanently so after I work 9 more weeks from the temp agency I'm with they will offer me a full time contract which is nice :D
I also got a letter from the jobseekers allowance people to say that my jobseekers would finish and that I would be getting £500.48 tax back o_o I have no idea how they worked that out but I'm not complaining! Woo! Things started to look a bit better all in the space of a few days :D
We also got a call from our landlord saying that we could stay in our house for next year even though we haven't found another 2 people which is also good! Not only am I getting money but we won't be homeless! Opz just typo'ed and wrote holess which we obviously are. Unless Rach isn't telling me something :P
Me and Snozzle are thinking of joining a gym so we can work out and stuff which will be cool. I've never been to a gym and treadmills look fun so I want to go on them! There are a few in Lancaster and Morecambe so we'll have to go check some out and choose one. I also walk part of the way to walk so that's over 5 miles a day and playing Dancing Stage Euro Mix also get's me a bit fitter and better at the game. I can do the 4star songs quite well now \o/
I've also been playing a lot of Final Fantasy Tactics Advance which is really quite addictive. I've got about 7 more locations to put on the map. The laws are a bit annoying sometimes though. Especially when I went to do this one mission against a load of slimes and they had the no attacking beasts rule on and I had no law cards to combat it D: I had to start that one again! I suppose the game would be quite easy if it wasn't for them though so it keeps it interesting! I don't have anything else to play after I finish that though. Nor any money to buy a new game :( I want either Sword of Mana or Golden Sun. Although I also want Zelda and the Metroid games. And Castlevania and Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga and Phantasy Star. Too many games :(
And in other news Rovers are being crap again and are 4th bottom and trying their hardest to get relegated once more! Argh!