*Grins and her neurons do a little dance.*

Sep 01, 2004 22:42

I got given an extra day's work in the bookshop in a couple of weeks. That means an unexpected day's pay! Wheeeee!
I wrote an email to the nice lady at Spookylocks telling her what I would like and how much money I had. She said it wasn't really enough but she would do it for me anyways =) lalalalalalala - by the end of the month I will have Cinnamon pirate hair and look sort of like I do when I go to Fultilt =)


*Neurons stop dancing as they realises she probably should have hidden that money away for emergencies or winterfest giftings or something.*


*The Witch stops grinning as she realises the only way for her to get any money in the foreseeable future is to work in the Stoneshop with the pokey insane man who asks if she takes mind-altering drugs, insists she be vegetarian, quotes random psalms at her, sends her pictures of the tower of Babel and seems to be getting increasingly difficult despite his claims he would like her to work there.*

... *sigh*

*The Witch wonders what else she could do... She'd make a useless prostitute and a useless secretary / temp - so that's office and street whore out. She makes a vaguely useless shop assistant, and if she worked in a supermarket or something would go very insane very fast and become a danger to society. (The men from Bedlam would find me in the condiment aisle trying to make a grenade out of an ice-cube tray, cream of tartar, cheap champagne, peppercorns, detergent, maple syrup and fly spray. Knowing my luck it would somehow work.)*


*The Witch realises she's not very employable and this might be why she's broke. Bleh.*


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