Maybe I didn’t like to hear...

Mar 02, 2004 00:53

But I still can't believe speed racer is dead
So then I thought I'd make some plans
But fire thought she'd really rather be water instead
And Peggy got a message for me from jesus
And I've heard every word that you've said
And I know I have been driven like the snow
This is cooling
Faster than I can...

I was going to do a photo shoot today. I had been going to do a photo shoot on the weekend, but the one who'd said I could take pictures went all blongey at the last minute, damn their eyes, so I didn't. Didn't take photos today either because Ben was asleep 'til three and there's no way I'm gonna ponce around, dress up and piss about with a camera if there's anyone else about. Why? Because I get twitchy if anyone sees me behave in a way I think is vain, 'cos vanity for this unkindness of one is a waste of fucking time. *Sigh* Bleh.

Still, played Dungeoneer this evening which was silly and fun as usual and Ben's kipping in Egham which gives me tomorrow to do photos providing I don't have a really bad mirror day or something. (Oh so very possible. Arse. And to think I was crispy with all this on saturday - where did you go oh small amount of laughing-who-gives-a-shit and almost-self-esteem?)

I quite like this mystery box meme, it's interesting to think of objects with significance for you - gods know what the person looking at it would think. If you were a strange new someone who had just met me and I was inexplicably struck dumb and handed you a large box containing the following to explain myself, what would you think?

1) My tarot cards.
2) An old leather-bound edition of 'Collected Faerytales by the Brothers Grimm' printed in their original versions before the Victorians re-wrote them.
3) Half-smoked packet of cloves with my Eye of Horus zippo lighter squished in.
4) 'The Kindly Ones' graphic novel by Neil Gaiman.
5) The picture I painted of Cinnamon in her red pirate coat.
6) My long handled scalpel.
7) A compilation CD (with cover design, track list and all) containing a load of Tori Amos, Stabbing Westward, Sisters of Mercy, Evanescence, Live, Saybia and sundry other songs in a similar vein.
8) My purple cat, Spindle.
9) Neatly printed copy of my story 'Hunting for Hayes' tied in black and red ribbon.
10) A fettish made of a flight feathers from a raven's wing, vanilla pods, a quatze crystal given by a friend, an ankh, onyx beads, ink nibs, white briar rose and scraps of parchment with sigils various all tied and plaited with purple ribbon.
11) A vanilla (or maybe coffee) scented candle.
12) The little silver grinning skull I wear in my tummy.

So then love walked up to like
And said I know that you don't like me much
Let's go for a ride
This ocean is wrapped around that pineapple tree
And is your place in heaven
Worth giving up these kisses
These kisses...?

histrionics, meme

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