Witchin' Hour...

Feb 13, 2004 05:25

I think my eyes are bleeding.
*Blinks experimentally*
Maybe not...

They *feel* like they should b bleeding, kerrist and Thoth on acid. Would it be too much to ask if this universe provided some dramatic effect once in a while? (Yeah, yeah, so I could always just stab my eyes with pencils but I'd rather not, that's kinda cheap and tacky as DIY effects go.)

I'm not actually done yet. I have about another twenty scribbles to fix up... Not that I've counted, so I'm actually hoping that it's less than that.

I've realised the main difference between myself and the true Filthy Assistants. Those bitches have drugs. And hard tech and heavy weaponry - but mostly it's the drugs - *that's* how they keep up with Spider Jerusalem. Dammit.

I feel amazingly and utterly for shit. Wow. That would be the not sleeping and the making myself kinda ill thing, wouldn't it? Mmm.

Y'know a while back I told everyone I was going to be a mad waif who should be committed and who was dying and stuff and please to come and find me and bring laudanum? Well do you think I was making it up? I'm not bloody joking - apart from the waif bit *sigh* - GIVE ME LAUDANUM!


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