
Jan 12, 2004 16:22

I taste a bit like Almonds.

Mmm, the taste of almonds - anathema to many with nut allergies, and a bad sign for many more, as my taste is not unlike that of cyanide. Am I good or am I poison? A risky thing to guess about. What Flavour Are You?

Cunning. Through use of many of life's faculties,
you've managed to suceed greatly. It may not
seem so to many, but isn't the the point most
times? It's only a matter of knowing more then
the others, right? I'm scared of people like
you, but in the same time, admire the ability
to see more then just the big picture; you see
yourself in it every time. You survived the end
by knowing who to knock down so you got that
last spot in the bunker... nicely done.

How would you survive the end of the world?
brought to you by Quizilla

Things to do....
-Tidy room.
-Draw much CoS
-Forget to eat or sleep so I can cultivate this wan and wasted look I've picked up from somewhere.
-Write vampire downtime.
-Stop arsing about and wasting time doing quizes.
-Look at clock and calender and panic.
-Swear lots.


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