I don't like this.

Nov 14, 2021 01:50

So yesterday was Kal and my 8y anniversary of our wedding. And I had a weird dream where a very tall and putrid looking blonde female ghost was trying to jump-scare me. So I backed off, petted one of my cats and then went to deal with her. She continued with her trying to scare me shit, but also said, "You think you have two weeks. You don't. You have one day." She didn't deliver it like a threat, more like a thing she sincerely hoped I'd sort out. I said, "Uh, okay, I'll do my best..." and she vanished without giving me any more information.

Today Kal got hiccups twice (which he hates with a passion bordering PTSD) and both times went to the bathroom to make himself throw up in an attempt to get rid of them. Apparently there was blood when he threw up both times - and not just a tinge of pink, an actual glob of blood. When he told me I asked if he had any other symptoms and he said his insides had been sore.

Also I have a round lump in my breast. Which is likely a cyst. But both these probably-okay things are distressing because this stupid fucking country has no health care unless you're rich. And since neither of us are working currently, this situation is scary as fuck. Oh fucking yey!

pele's home, random acts of bastard, dream, fml

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