Mar 13, 2021 03:46
I currently live on a rather tropical warm island.
Before I left the UK, I was gifted a present by a neighbour next to the Oast. It was an early 19th C white linen French night gown with one pearl button, one replaced bone button, and 'MV' at the collar in beautiful tiny red stitching. When I wear it and see it in the mirror it reads 'VM' - which can stand for Valerie Morrison, and is my mother's name.
I should have sensibly left the linen shift in the UK, but I couldn't bear to - it reminded me of too many kindnesses freely given. Kindnesses I didn't want to forget.
My friends are far. And timezones and a lack of common ground make things much harder. My best friends are far, far away, in London, Berlin and Hungary, when I'm on an island in a fuck off sea that's even further away.
I wore the 19th C shift after a late shower today (as I used to do at the Oast) because it's the closest I have to 'lounge wear'.
"Are you in fucking hospital attire?" K asked snidely, like I'd chosen a poor dress for All Hallows' eve.
Why make that comment? Knowing how much I love historical clothes why not say, "That a shift? You make or buy it? Is it linen? Bit bulky isn't it - is it comfy?" But no. You're gonna try to shame me, despite frequently claiming I'm 'so hot I'd look good in a potato sack'. But now I'm in a white linen one, you don't fancy me. What a surprise.
I have never told you off for anything you have worn. I don't critique your clothes. (And today you ordered Jorts. I mean, come on. I could have shamed you to hell. But I don't. Why? Cos' you say they're comfy. I don't think they're sexy or pretty, but that doesn't matter. Because you're wearing them for comfort and I have never expected you to dress for my approval.)
You have no idea what this nightdress means to me and you never even bothered to ask. You just went straight to being obnoxious and saying you hated it and it was a shit hospitable shift I looked lumpy in.
If I have unusual things, I have them for a reason. I don't have money to throw around. If I have a nice, antique, or expensive anything, I have crafted it, fought for it, saved for it, or occasionally been gifted it. I don't need you to scorn me for it because it's not to your taste.
I don't scorn your clothes - leave me alone about mine please.
costume and clothes