"Time and I have quarrelled... all hours are midnight now."

Sep 04, 2015 17:11

This isn't finished, but it's taking forever so here's a WIP.

(It was gonna be block-colour, like a screen print, but that looked a bit shit. So now it's endless cross-hatching that you can't even see properly when it's the right size. *sigh* Idiot neurons.)

I should also like to lodge a formal complaint to Bertie Bloody Carvel for making exquisite I-am-broken expressions with his face that I can't sodding draw. Damn him.

Also, last night I dreamt I was chatting to Enzo Cilenti who was dressed like a cross between Childermass and an 18th C highwayman. I burbled about how fantastic the costume was, so he took off the coat, waistcoat and shirt and let me put them on. I looked dashing as all fuck, and he wasn't wearing a shirt. We continued chatting. I felt the situation had turned out rather well...

creative, art, dream, regency gentlemen magicians

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