Yeah, this is *totally honestly* actual soup and stuff...

Feb 28, 2015 18:12

Wednesday was burbling about stories and pirates with Dave T.

Thursday was cider and wibble with Laura Q. Also baby goatlings making an appearance in VeryFarAway. (Both Biscuit and Lilliquoi had one kid each: both boys alas, but both stupidly cute {especially Lilliquoi's.})

Friday was spending two hours on a bus followed by an hour and a half back + walking from Lewisham station. I entertained myself by listening to Chess and imagining what would happen if I punched the bus window hard enough to break it.

In between there still hasn't been a lot of eating. Or a lot sleeping. Or a lot of anything really. I've been hiding in duvet and dining on breadcrumb and stock-cube soup. Also watching Storybook International, a shiny thing I remember from TV when I was 4.

Today Shamblyland keechers were very kind and lugged my stuff with me to the station which was extremely meekle of them. I caught my train... only issue was, what with sleep deprivation and general neuronic flid... I managed to catch a very early train. Then I had to sit at Stonegate for two hours in the rain before my father appeared to pick me up at the appointed time. (I'm starting to wonder whether I've done something to piss off Anubis.)

What else? Oastian news is bleak; my father's business ventures aren't going well. This in turn makes it look like he shan't be able to pay off the mortgage when it's asked for later this year. Gods know how all that's gonna play out.

Kerrist, I really need to make some money and sort my shit out, don't I?

Hopefully at some point in my life I'll cease being a burden to those I care about and will be able to pay them back in some way. (Stop laughing bleakly, you bastard neurons.)


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