Jul 30, 2014 22:46
Friends Feed?! You BASTARDS!
I spent an age adjusting the spacing, colours, layout and font of my LJ pages - Friends Page included - and whilst I can view my personal journal in its old style, trying to read my Friends Page is like some hideously clinical Twitter-inspired nightmare. At the top of the page it helpfully tells me where to click to make this my default viewing option of choice, but fails to leave a clue where to find the 'Piss off and give me my old page back - you sods.' To be fair it may be possible to customise this benighted 'feed', I haven't had time to look into it.
In other news, one of the chicks (one of the scant three we'd named) has a weirdly splayed leg and is semi-lame. It's apparently something called 'spraddle leg' and may or may not be correctable and therefore may or may not mean the chick has to be killed. I'm rather worried and deeply unimpressed about this. Waaah.
K spent today building a chicken coop. It's huge and will need another day of hammering to complete it; but the frame looks damn impressive. (I did random chores about the house and helped with holding the occasional plank of wood.)
Erin and Maddy were supposed to arrive today, but there wasn't room on their flight (they had standby seats) so no one's entirely sure when they'll get here. Hopefully somewhen tomorrow as the big wedding/anniversary of doom is friday...
Last night I had a strange dream about being back at the house in Kew; but it was changed and other people were staying there too. Also one set of stairs and attic door opened out into a vast Victorian public building complex: neither library, hospital, school nor barracks but a mix of all four.
Whilst wandering around there I realised it was a dream and so decided to be Bedlam instead and immediately started levitating and making everyone a bit deranged by my presence. I floated about; they all chased me. I decided I needed CheeseApple. I repeated the name 'Khezapeth' several times until one particular soldier heeded the call: he ran up, grew three foot taller, his skin darkened to pewter and his gun melted into his hands and turned into giant swiss-army-knife shears.
After that effort I felt kinda weird so fell over. Khezapeth scooped me up (jabbering quietly in his shadow voice all the while) and ran away with me. Once or twice on the run I woke up enough to somehow deflect thrown enemy grenades just by thinking it, but mostly I left Khezapeth to fulfill his duties as guardian-demon.
At some quiet point later I was very conscious of my breathing and of the fact I had *really* opened my eyes. Oh bugger, I thought, I'm awake now, no more silly Bedlam melodrama for me. Then I realised I could still see the dreamscape and the floor was the wrong floor for reality. I immediately perked up, started levitating again and calling for Khezapeth.
pele's home,
random acts of bastard,