Last LJ post?

Jul 04, 2013 23:55

Maybe, maybe not. Who knows. But I have a paper diary.

For those who still want to hear me type occasional wibble I can be found as Raven Morrison on FB or sometimes even as Wraithwitch on skype. (Although I'm far better at tappity tappity than the actual phone call thing or eeee!dear!gods the video thing.)

Anyways. Today was shiny. It's a holiday in FarAway to celebrate things and stuff and the fact that FarAway isn't a Brit colony. People keep apologising to me (which is sweet) and then get confused when I laugh or spit and say 'thank gods!'. They're sorry for Independence Day?! - I'm not.

((Dear USA: You are joyously happy to have your independence. You are no longer a colony and you do your best every year to forget you were ever an offshoot of the UK. Shiny. True Facts: I'm very happy too. I'd hate to be responsible for you. Seriously. Darlin', you're cool. But.... you're like an unbelievable 4year old - and I'm so damn glad I don't have to go to parent/teacher meetings with you. I know that sounds mean. But - for example - I'm kinda happier having no gun rights but being able to legally decide whether I sprog or not. Yeah, I know that sounds weird, but sorry, just the way I am. Guns *really are* pretty kick-arse - but I'd rather miss out and be able to legally police my own uterus than have guns and not. *shrugs* ))

K had the day off and we did leather working and stuff together. I like sitting in an abandoned attic doing art with my keecher. It is shiny as a meekle shiny thhing =)

This eve we watched the fireworks on the roof.... Thought about how sadly it was that if you'd been to the Front fireworks would likely make you twitch and hide.... Weird - I can go to a shooting range and not think of WWI at all, only of 1880s. But fireworks and the smell of cordite, the sound and the fury.... that's different.

It's late. I'm typing wibble.

Stay well,

memory data, doom, belleau wood, happy

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