"Take that thought aboard, give it a stiff drink and run it through the lifeboat drill..."

Dec 28, 2012 10:23

So, other than re-watching a lot of Drop The Dead Donkey, what have I been up to?

Winterfest was a bit peculiar this year. It was warm, sunny, there were inflatable snowmen and santas everywhere, Kallian was working both christmas eve and boxing day, and I wasn't required to kitchenwench. In short, it was very un-christmas-like and generally felt like a peculiar celebration-next-door to which I wasn't invited. (Neurons still can't quite decide whether to be slightly miffed or greatly relieved.)

I did introduce many people to mince pies, and later I plan on introducing them to christmas pudding, so I suppose I can't claim to be entirely untouched by the fuss of the season =)

What else? I came to the conclusion that I was unlikely to sell enough jackets and art to raise monies for buying Costumes of Doom (TM) without divine intervention, so I was going to have to make them.* Whilst in many ways this is the more fun option, it does present some challenges. For example, making a dress can be done for £100 - a vast saving - but one still needs to pony up the tin. (No, I don't know why I'm talking cant either.) Also it seems I need to learn how to do cuir bouilli leather work, as well as something quite complicated with feathers and millinery supplies. That's on top of all the usual sewing, cannibalizing patterns, and hoping somehow they turn out well.

*Neurons wait impatiently for things to turn up in the post so Corvid can get on with the art, craft, and the vast amount of swearing this project will require*

Hope you're all well my darlings,
Good wishes from afar,

* = My neurons seem to equate getting married with a grand LARP event. There's lots of prep-work, lots of people, drama abound, set dressing, elaborate costumes... And then a weird archaic ritual that has to be done correctly for the 'spell' to take hold and the circumstances to change. After that everyone breathes a sigh of relief and orders a drink...

creative, dead days, hazard, winterfest

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