"I don't like walking around this old and empty house

Nov 02, 2012 10:55

So hold my hand, I'll walk with you, my dear
The stairs creak as you sleep, it's keeping me awake
It's the house telling you to close your eyes..."

Oh, look, it's wedding time again. *rolls eyes*

Heehee - yes, I know I am an awful grumpy wench. All that grown-up dinner conversation, waiting around and drinking far too much champagne because there's nothing else to do... Ergh. I'm actually considering asking if I can sit on the children's table. The conversation's likely to be more fun for a start =P On the plus side I do have a shiny outfit and if things go well I should look like some mad duchess from a gothic romance. Yey!

What else? James's wedding ring has been smartened up and polished by a professional jeweller with more experience and (just as important) more power tools than I have. It looks quite swish now.

I made a proper winter cloak with a hood which pleased my neurons immensely. Cloaks really are rather cool. (I blame my prep-school. Our uniform included a navy wool cloak with a red collar. And a jellybag hat. Although jellybag hats are not cool.)

I saw Ketch and Blade for supper the other eve and had a lovely time ranting about stupid sayings and finding out what a 'brazen head' was according to Brewer's Book of Phrase and Fable.

There was a pub quiz on Hallowe'en, which we won, naturally =)
Then there was the other business of Samhain, which was a little more nerve-wracking, but sorted itself out without doom or bloodshed.

Think that covers most things.
Have a shiny friday.

update, family

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