Grumpy Witch

Sep 28, 2012 22:07

At my brothers for painting all weekend. Only he forgot to tell me all weekend is apparently til Wednesday. Right. Little unprepared for that and a touch out of pocket. Sigh. No book to read, no laptop, may or may not have enough clean clothes. Now I'm gonna bitch: James is very good at providing coffee and biscuits and sleepingbags. He's a bit useless at any other form of hospitality like showers or glass of wine. Yes I'm being blongey. On the meekle side Neuron was very pleased to see me and Maxling decided I was good news after ten minutes which is pretty cool as he's at that you're-not-mum-or-dad-eeeep stage. I'd quite like to sleep now please but have to wait til everyone else goes to bed. Told you - grumpy witch.


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