
Sep 16, 2012 17:29

I get it - I play that game too.

Yes, it is terrible you can't levitate and you haven't won a Nobel Prize. And because you don't give all you own to charity you must be some sort of monster. Totally. Bad you, no biscuit, go sit on the naughty step... Well, actually, shush, because that's sweet and all but I don't care, come with me and let's go have some tea!

Likewise, I don't mind if you tell me I'm mad or strange for liking the things I like, for doing the things I do. I don't care if you think I'm wasting my time on something or someone I shouldn't be. You don't understand why I dislike oysters or why I talk to ghosts? That's okay. I've no bloody idea why you'd want to put an oyster anywhere near your mouth or why you think maths is exciting. But you do, and that's cool for you. See? What you like in yourself and others, what you dislike, it's just opinion and differences there-in.


Do not presume to tell me what I think or how I will act, and then behave as if your presumption is fact.

"Ha! I think you'll really love/hate/confuse XYZ."

Do you? Smashing - lovely, sounds interesting - let's find out.

"You are obviously going to do XYZ because you totally think ABCDE and we both know it, and here let me foretell a shoddy theoretical future of how everything will play out as if my wibble was undeniable truth and actually you were just as flimsy and I was just as awful as I painted in this slightly bugnuts scenario."

I beg your fucking pardon? It's one thing to deal with someone beating up their own brain with the Mea-Culpa-I-Am-Awful stick - it's quite another when they're trying to use you to beat them up.

I am a Corvid. I don't give a damn how well you know me. DO. NOT. PRESUME.
And if I think you need a slap? No fear, I'll bloody give you one.

Please don't use me as some secret stabby weapon to gut yourself with.
It's really quite cross-making.


(Ah-hem. This rant was brought to you by the letters F, F and S. Also Time, Geography, Vexation and the number '1'. We apologise for any interruption to your programming, normal service shall be returned shortly after a tea break. Stand by for transmission...)


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