Jul 29, 2012 21:37
Lovely talk-random-wibble with Spacedmonkey on friday, followed by travelling to far away land to visit Ben and Kate for chatting and eating very tastey cake. I was supposed to stay longer, but my neurons were melting with an evil pressure headache =( Fie upon summer.
Today was the Ravensbourne fair. Rather predictably it was sunny for about two hours and then rained, thundered, lightning'd and generally pissed it down. *sigh* Once the stall had been paid for and Matt been given a small contribution for his aid, I made a profit of 6quid. Okay, so that's better than a loss, but still. Tsk.
What else? Plans are appearing, hatching, mutating and taking over the world left right and centre. Which is (as ever) a little freaky but very cool. I am apparently in a keetarian faerytale of doooom. Although whether it serves as an inspiring example or a terrible warning remains to be seen =P
On that note...
*Corvid catches her neurons marching resolutely towards the edge of a huge cliff*
Me: Woah! What the fuck? Stop that this instant!
Neurons: But... cliff!
Me: Yeah, and I took my meds you little bastards, what are you playing at lemmings for?
Neurons: *look shifty and sad. Mutter:* Things are meekle.
Me: *blink* Well if you're happy why the fuck are you about to jump off a cliff?
Neurons: *wailing* Things are meekle and the world is mean and it will all go WRONG and it will hurt and be awful and it's too meekle for that to happen so we thought we'd jump off a cliff now, sort of like saving time...
Me: *long suffering look* Dear gods and little fishes, I forgot quite how special my brain could be on occasion.
Neurons: Cliff?
Me: No. Sit over there, do some art, watch a film...
Neurons: Alchyhol?
Me: ...and stop causing trouble.
Neurons: Opium poppy?
Me: Go!