Kallian has...

Jul 22, 2012 21:02

Been put in a padded cell.
Been in a straight jacket and dislocated his shoulder to get out of it.
Has carved chunks out of his hand.
Also sliced the radial artery.
Was going to hang himself but the rope broke when he tested it so didn't.
Has tried to shoot himself twice but had previously taken the firing pin out of his shotgun.
Has tried to drink himself to death and then changed his mind and drank water from a hose until he threw up.
Has told me as a wedding present he wants to give me Fred Brogger's finger bones. (his house is down the road from his father's.)
Wants to have two children, a boy and a girl.
Wanted to be Holliday when he was little and boys were playing cowboy games.
Will give himself battle stripes or possibly a heart bypass with a bootknife if I cut myself.
Has cried four times.
Has had precog/dejavu with alarming frequency and length since meeting me.
Will kill someone if I ask it.
Will follow me into the dark.
Is terrified to the point of nausea that I won't like him.
Says "Where is my witch?" and the note in his voice was like a harpoon in my heart.

In other news, he dreamt and I randomly imagined getting married; in both JHH gave me away to him with the ring. I dreamt of having two male wolf cubs the night before he asked me about children. He calls me Witch, I call him Hazard; which is like W and H that my parents used. He will play poker with Holliday and I'm a little bit fucking terrified of what will happen because there's enough story threads that if JHH shoots him with a .38 I don't even want to think what will happen.

Oh, and on that topic... The Necromancy faerytale I wrote. This is, basically, as near as really happening as you can get. Dreams and tarot and destiny, a young man tired of being burnt out, a girl sick of being hollow, and a ghost bridging the gap. Card games and rings, souls and high stakes.

I think... I think this has been coming for a long time. Like a spring thaw: all the magic and wishes and time and anguish has stacked up over the past three years and now the whole lot is crashing together like a bloody flood set to drown everything. There is a feeling of 'predestined' to this so strong it both amuses and fucking terrifies me. It's like it was with Ben back in the day only much MUCH stronger.

And I love an 1880s dead southern gambler, and an insane 1980s scruffy gunslinger.
I have no idea how I can keep them both safe.


On the down side he can occasionally be a lunatic. Also amidst today's very long conversations was him deciding he *had* flashed his arse to me (he hadn't) and once we'd established he hadn't he then preceeded to. Moving the camera around meant a panning shot of everything else, only occasionally masked by fingers and knees. Although when he got a brain cell back I lied and told him I hadn't seen anything =P Later he decided he wanted to play with stabby things just because. I said he should do whatever he wanted because he would anyway. He cut a hole in his knee then and there. I tried to think up reasons not to shout or walk away or paint my room red. He was upset I was tired and depressed and said that if I cut my arm open he was allowed to. Started going on about opening the vein at the back of his neck and how I shouldn't play with sharp things. I pointed out I wasn't the one with a bleeding knee and a blade to my throat. Then came the self-hate and apologies. In the end he swore on his blood and honour not to play with stabby things. (let's see if that lasts longer than the promise did). He said he didn't have a choice with cutting; I said not so; he got snarly. Damn alpha wolf arrogance. I do worry about his logic gates sometimes. He's not good at logic when he's emotional and he repeats himself a lot. Repeats himself a lot anyways - I think I've definitely found how other people manage to talk so much. All of this probably sounds pokey; I'm just tired it's been a long day and whilst much of it was fun there were chunks of it that made arguing or dealing with a 2year old a piece off cake in comparison. Ah, he'd drunk about eight pints on an empty stomach. THAT explains it. Also he'd done an unprepped spell to help his friend Josh so had vast amount of psychic backlash. Idiot.
Fuck I am tired.

hazard, necromancy, magic, prediction

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