There's been a lot of non-accounting going on.

Jul 14, 2012 16:20

My father as ever is long-suffering.

My father: What happened to you?
Corvid: There was a skype conversation. It started at 3am and finished at 10.30.
My father: That's over seven hours!
Corvid: I know. So afterwards I went to bed.
My father: *radiating disapproval*
Corvid: On the plus side I think I might have a boyfriend.
My father: ...That's ( Read more... )

oast, hazard

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Comments 16

Wolf neurons sing the "We don't want to be here" song... thegael_arcayne July 14 2012, 15:41:12 UTC
Pretty sure one cannot "maybe" have a boyfriend. I also have it from a very good source that you do, indeed, have a boyfriend. =P


Re: Wolf neurons sing the "We don't want to be here" song... wraithwitch July 14 2012, 20:52:10 UTC
If one can be proposed to semi-facetiously, I'm pretty someone can have a maybe-boyfriend. There's a lot of weirdness in the world after all =P


Well played... thegael_arcayne July 14 2012, 21:21:14 UTC
Too true, darlin', too true. =) And yes, you are very pretty =P


eniel July 14 2012, 16:11:53 UTC
*grins* There's nothing wrong with all-night skype conversations! Besides, shouldn't your father be happy you were sensible and got some sleep? ;)


wraithwitch July 14 2012, 20:55:36 UTC
The only thing wrong with all night skype conversations is the fact that people expect one to be compus-mentis in the morning =(


spacedmonkey July 14 2012, 16:47:20 UTC
Accounting is boring.


wraithwitch July 14 2012, 20:56:48 UTC
Accounting is very dull, strange conversations are far more fun.


spacedmonkey July 14 2012, 21:06:26 UTC
Sadly my day has contained neither.


colonel_maxim July 14 2012, 21:11:15 UTC
I could make up accounting for you, if you are that sad about having not having any... :-)


colonel_maxim July 14 2012, 20:18:18 UTC


wraithwitch July 14 2012, 21:07:04 UTC
Don't cheer yet, this is *my* lovelife we're talking about =P


colonel_maxim July 14 2012, 21:10:22 UTC
The Bravo is for reaching Stage One. The Atlantic might turn out to be a barrier or a boon, who can tell? :-).


(The comment has been removed)

wraithwitch July 15 2012, 07:45:24 UTC
*laughs* apparently so, and I think my neurons rather like it too! Although at the moment he is faaaar away on the other side of an enormous puddle, hence there is much skype at silly o'clock =)


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