WTF and other such things.

Jun 22, 2012 12:07

Went to see Parkinson interview Don McCullin which was very interesting; he's so matter of fact about all the stuff he's been through but you can tell he still carries a lot of ghosts. That and his photography is fucking amazing.

Yesterday on the way to Dave's place to play swashbuckling games, I crossed the road and had a very detailed hallucination of getting run over by a car. Cheers brain, that was un-fun.

Swashbuckling game was shiny: there was a grand battle, Kez inventing a tricorn hat and being a pirate on a loch, us lifting the siege on Angus' castle and then Kez and Antoine getting blessed/remarried via all the elements including light, darkness, and lightning.

On the way back home walking through the graveyard I got shouted at and told to fuck off in no uncertain terms by the homeless people who sleep under the church portico. Apparently I'm a vampire and I wasn't to go near any of them. I raised an eyebrow, bowed, and carried on my way home, somewhat bemused. It was only halfway down the street it occurred to me I should have asked *why* they were convinced I was a vampire.

Considered staying up to see the dawn but eventually decided 3am was quite late enough.

Today I am mostly tired and slightly braindead.

head case, random, harbinger

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