*Blink* *Blink Blink*

Mar 14, 2012 09:01

Thought I'd have an early night. Went to bed at 12 (which for me is early ( Read more... )

disagreements with morpheus

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w_a_i_d March 14 2012, 12:08:19 UTC
If it happens again, here's what you do. The minute you realise you're not falling asleep, get up. Your neurons want to be awake, fine, but they don't get to do it in bed. Go into another room and do something useful but boring. Washing up, accounts, filing, reorganising the book case, whatever. Do not get on the internet or watch television! You must not give your neurons the impression this sort of behaviour will be rewarded with fun or stimulation. It's dreadfully anti-intellectual, but I like to finish off with reading a few pages of Kant. After about half an hour or so, if you're yawning, go back to bed. Hopefully, you should go to sleep now, but if not, try again. if you're going to be awake, it's always better to not be awake in bed because that teaches your brain to associate bed with lying awake being miserable. I

I've found it pretty reliable for that kind of sustained, can't-fall-asleep-to-begin-with insomnia. Just wish I knew what to do about the flickering-in-and-out of bad dreams kind. *sigh*


bytepilot March 14 2012, 16:35:37 UTC
Sleep with a chainsaw under your pilow.*
Ready, fuelled up and primed to make the nightmare monsters with they'd picked someone else's brain to crawl around in.

*Other methods of anti-demonic retribution are available


wraithwitch March 14 2012, 17:37:45 UTC
No, no, dear boy.
Chainsaws rely on either electricity or fuel - this isn't a great thing in a 'aaaiiieee must strike now this instant when half asleep!' weapon, nor for a weapon that is in one's bed. Plus there's the long-standing tradition of deus ex machina - the ghost in the machine - ergh, it's just asking for trouble.

When I've really needed it I've found a cavalry sword works extremely well. It's bunt and safe enough that you're unlikely to decapitate yourself with it in the middle of the night inadvertently, and yet it is long-bladed, weighty, and business-like enough to ensure nothing takes the piss =)


w_a_i_d March 14 2012, 23:41:35 UTC
I do in fact have a small, "Roman" sword. Could try that, I suppose.


bytepilot March 15 2012, 12:34:37 UTC
'Tis all a matter of personal preference M'dear, for some the sword, for others the chainsaw, for yet others no more than the subtle poison of a waspish tongue or the compressive power of an implacably opposed will.

There are no such things as dangerous weapons, only dangerous people.

Should it come to a fight of them against us, there a few people I'd rather have beside me than yourself.


w_a_i_d March 14 2012, 23:40:27 UTC
Even in the most benign of circumstances I get irrationally nervous around sharp, pointy and electrical objects for I fear they may suddenly get OUT OF CONTROL and wreak TERRIBLE CARNAGE so I am not sure a chainsaw in the bedroom would be conducive to sweet dreams.


bytepilot March 15 2012, 12:36:35 UTC
Choose your weapon according to your own style.
Something you know damn well is on your side, is effective, powerful, and certain.

For instance, I have heard good things spoken about the stopping power of a half brick in a sock.


wraithwitch March 14 2012, 17:32:03 UTC
I'm usually very good at knowing when I'm not gonna sleep for the next four hours, and so I do get up and do things. I read or try to write or do some activity that won't fail because only half my neurons are conscious.

But for some reason last night I was entirely convinced I was gonna pass out any minute now, possibly if I could only find the correct position to lie in. I think perhaps it's 'cos I associate crazy late not-sleeping nights with Shamblyland, I don't tend to get them at the Oast.

*Shrugs* Yes, I shall endevour to learn from my mistakes and do better next time =)

If you are plagued by inconvenient dreams, I would be happy to loan you CheeseApple if you like. I wouldn't dare claim 100% success rate with this unorthodox treatment - but I'd certainly stand by 50%. And 50% less nightmares is better than no change at all...

How is your world turning? I haven't seen you about on lj for a while. Hope things are at least well-ish...


w_a_i_d March 14 2012, 23:35:03 UTC
Heavens... what is a CheeseApple ( ... )


*points at icon* wraithwitch March 15 2012, 13:05:59 UTC
CheeseApple is a seven foot tall skeleton man made of shadows with huge scissor-sheers instead of hands, burning phosphor eyes, a shock of white hair and a mouth full of sabre-teeth of the sort that would made a deep-sea fish jealous. He is utterly psychotic and likes stabbing things. He's not overly keen on boys, but girls in trouble, girls plagued by nightmares or girls who generally need watching over, he likes. I've lent him out in the past, he seems to like stabbing nightmares that aren't him =)

Heee - tiny hats in Camden! I haven't been to camden in ages, most remiss of me. And yey for suddenly getting money, that's very cool.

Jewellery course is next month and I have been stockpiling tools and shiny stones and ideas =)


Re: *points at icon* w_a_i_d March 15 2012, 14:02:19 UTC
Gosh. Well, I don't know how you go about lending one of those out, but if he fancies a short holiday keeping me from having to spend part of the night hiding from baddies on the roof of my childhood home AGAIN then sure.

Looking forward to seeing the fruits of the jewellery course!


Re: *points at icon* wraithwitch March 15 2012, 14:14:38 UTC
I shall see if I can send him over =)


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