When I sleep my neurons play odd games XIX...

Feb 08, 2012 18:11

I belonged to a Dynastic family of doom; there were ongoing power plays, differing factions and private armies. Also nanotech. (One dropped grenades of different coloured nanite goo (there was neon yellow and neon green - pretty sure there were other colours) anything inanimate the goo touched could become manipulated via nanotech by whoever wore the appropriate colour command band. The only way to get someone else's command band was to kill them.)

At the centre of the palace - which was gothic/medieval and the size of a town - there was an island. On the island was a weird lost-temple-medieval-tree-house complex which had a huge iron thrice-locked gate. Past the locks at the heart of the complex was the grand prize of I-rule-the-universe or whatever. (Honestly, I don't think I understood most of this when it happened, I was just busy thinking that apparently my family was murderous and utterly mental and the only reason why I wanted to get this prize was so they *wouldn't* have it.)

Because some of my family were trying to kill me, some imprison me, some help or get me on side, there was a lot of running about the courtyard/monastery/castle bits of the palace. They had weaponry, I didn't; but I did have an imaginary monster everyone could see and hear. ('Leave me the hell alone or that thing will eat you,' is a rather handy threat.)

Then I got stabbed by someone and CheseApple became real and ate them all before disappearing into the shadows. More running around and skulking in dungeons. More issues and danger, so *I* stabbed me to call CheeseApple back. From then on I had a real, 7ft glowering phosphor-eyed coal-skinned guardian nightmare at my side. YEY! Then he got yellow nanites on him and I realised I'd have to kill the yellow-band commander. Mostly I was really pissed off that it was neon yellow as that made CheeseApple look like a raver's acid trip.... Erm. Yeees. That was all I remember.


What else? I have discovered it IS possible to make my feathers go silver/cream/bone so long as I bleach my hair in installments over at least a month so it doesn't turn to string, and use a specific toner which is apparently the strongest and best at cancelling out yellow/orange and making it silver white. Shiny =) I now have to remind my neurons that they can't do any of this yet as it's far too early. Nor can they cut my feathers nor turn them another colour because I said it was too early for silver.

Today I have drawn a big art nouveau tree and some weird steampunk/alchemists. I really ought to start another, but I don't like drawing without natural light.
Hm. Emails and tidying, chores and reading it is then =)

neverwhere, dream

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